My Services
What We Will Do Together
When I coach teams, I work with the entire team to get people aligned,
engaged and productive. When I coach leaders individually, I get to
know you so I can serve you best.
What I bring: Expertise, tools, and strategies that enhance your performance and edge.
What you bring: A desire and willingness to try something new to get a different result.
The result of our partnership: Less stress, more freedom to do your work, less conflict, a more cohesive team.
What Others are Saying

“Julie is an extremely talented and focused facilitator. You’d be wise to hang on to her forever.”

"Great job Julie, you kept the group engaged, just the right amount of interaction and theory and offered opportunities to practice."

"This course is very important for the continuous development of managers and supervisors. Julie did an excellent job in preparation and presentation."

"Julie is brilliant at navigating through questions, sparking dialogue and ideas with sincere intention, fully engaged energy, yet a calm finesse. She is genuine, kind, humble and naturally inquisitive."

"Although I have taken courses that cover this kind of material in the past, this one did an exceptional job of providing structured practical exercises where I was able to put these concepts to use. I found the exercises not only fun but extremely helpful."